PAAO President’s Message

January 2024

Paulo E.C. Dantas, MD PhD
PAAO President, 2022-2025

Dear Pan-American friends,

As we gather under the banner of the Pan-American Association of Ophthalmology, it is crucial to reflect upon the profound significance of our profession and the principles that guide us in our pursuit of ocular health and vision care excellence.

Ophthalmology, as a noble field, holds a unique position at the intersection of science, compassion, and service. Considering this, let us underscore the fundamental principles that underpin our shared commitment to eye health across the Pan-American region.

Advocating the noble principles of Ophthalmology in the Pan-American context

1. Vision as a Fundamental Human Right: We firmly believe in the inherent right of every individual to enjoy optimal vision. As guardians of ocular health, we must advocate for access to quality eye care for all, transcending geographical, economic, and social barriers. Our commitment to this principle ensures that we strive to make vision care a universal reality, thereby enhancing the quality of life for countless individuals.
2. Excellence in Education and Research: Ophthalmology stands on the pillars of continuous learning and scientific innovation. It is our collective responsibility to promote and engage in cutting-edge research, share knowledge, and foster educational initiatives that elevate the standard of eye care across the Pan-American region. By upholding excellence in education and research, we contribute to the advancement of our field and the improvement of patient outcomes.
3. Ethical Practice and Professional Integrity: The trust bestowed upon us by our patients demands the highest standards of ethical conduct. We must adhere unwaveringly to principles of professional integrity, transparency, and patient-centered care. By upholding these values, we not only safeguard the reputation of our profession but also ensure that the patient-doctor relationship remains rooted in trust and compassion.
4. Collaboration and Cultural Sensitivity: Ophthalmology knows no borders, and our association reflects the diverse tapestry of the Pan-American region. Embracing this diversity, we must actively foster collaboration among our members, respecting cultural nuances and local practices. By working together across borders, we strengthen the fabric of our association and amplify our collective impact on eye care.
5. Advocacy for Preventive Care: Beyond treating ocular ailments, we must champion the cause of preventive eye care. Through public awareness campaigns, policy advocacy, and community engagement, we can contribute to the prevention of vision impairment and blindness. Proactive efforts in this realm align with our mission to protect and preserve the precious gift of sight.

In conclusion, let us reaffirm our dedication to the principles that define our noble profession. By upholding the values of accessibility, excellence, ethics, collaboration, and prevention, we not only elevate the standing of the Pan-American Association of Ophthalmology but also ensure that the light of optimal vision shines brightly for all.

Thank you for your unwavering commitment to the field of ophthalmology, and may our shared principles guide us towards a future where eye health knows no bounds.


Paulo E.C. Dantas, MD PhD
PAAO President