Have you noticed anything different in your inbox?

Feb 27, 2019Announcement, eVision


We all get too many emails these days.  At end of last year we realized that in our desire to keep you updated with all the new PAAO news and events, we were also sending out too many emails.  We love our members and we respect your time. So some brainstorming was in order.  The result was to find a way to only send one email out a week.

This email would be a digest of the next weeks webinars, deadlines and reminders and we called it PAAO NOW.  The new design would be mobile friendly and concise.  We also decided that our monthly eVision would take the place of PAAO NOW one week out of the month.  eVision has more in depth coverage of PAAO happenings and that would not change.

For the past month or so you have been receiving these emails instead of multiple individual emails.  What do you think?  Do you like the new format and design?  Please give us feedback so we can continue to find better ways of communicating with you.  You can fill out the form on this page or email us at [email protected].


Thank you for your feedback.


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