ROP Day 2021

Aug 4, 2021Education


SPROP reminds that on August 8 International ROP Day was created.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the purpose of this date is to put the spotlight on premature births and one of its risks is retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) which is a cause of infant blindness, partial loss or visual impairment in Latin America and worldwide if not detected early, because it has treatment.

Premature children at risk should have a timely fundus screening by an ophthalmologist trained in ROP and appropriate treatment. For this purpose, the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO) developed in 2018 the “CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDE FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF PREMATURITY RETINOPATHY”, a guide that should be adapted to the population of each country.

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Control en UCIN

NICU control

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Ambulatory control