Message from the PAOF Chair

Feb 26, 2020From the PAOF Chair, PAOF

My Dear Colleagues,

The Pan-American has a rich tradition of cultural and educational exchange. One of our earliest programs in the Pan-American history was the “Visiting Professor” where an expert would spend a month travelling around to different training centers to teach in their subspecialty interest.

Following this custom last month in January, I invited our PAAO President, Dr. Miguel N. Burnier Jr., to come to my institution, the Medical School of the Tecnológico de Monterrey, México, to present a series of lectures on Ocular Pathology over a three-day period. He gave lectures to local audiences and there was a broadcasted portion where he transmitted to a much larger audience.

Students, residents and faculty from all subspecialties participated in this educational experience. This exchange of knowledge and expertise was priceless to everyone who participated. Over this three-day period we all witnessed a true example of the Pan-American spirit. Dr. Burnier, one of the busiest people I know, made himself available for this training session. Because of this Pan-American tradition, many people met or heard Dr. Burnier, a giant in his field, that would have never had that opportunity.

We make many appeals for your financial support, which is important. It is equally important for you to consider sharing your time and expertise with your colleagues in the Americas. I encourage you to embrace and nourish this Pan-American tradition. If you would be interested, please contact the PAAO Administrative Offices in Arlington and let them know you would be interested in sharing your time, knowledge and expertise.

This is truly the power of the Pan-American Network!

Jorge E. Valdez MD PhD
PAOF Chair of the Board